Sunday, November 7, 2010


Emma and I went to church today for the first time in weeks. I'm ever so glad I went. Our church has a way about makes you feel at home as soon as you walk through the doors. The feeling of serenity from the place lasts and lasts. It was a good start for the day.

After spending time at the in-laws eating way too much food and wanting a nap so bad my body ached, night engulfed us. And with it came the first fire of the season.

Eslea spent about an hour in front of that fire just staring at it. I wonder what goes through that tiny perfectly round head of hers. I wonder if she could ever possibly know how much she is loved. If either of my girls will understand the magnitude of love that surrounds them.

It was a good night.
One of those nights you make sure to bookmark in the section of your mind reserved for precious memories.

There was a peaceful serenity that took over the house tonight.

Yes. Definitely a good night.

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