Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Share the Love & Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome

Friday is the blog hop for Down Syndrome Awareness!
Please share this button on your site through Friday so that others will join!
The more people we can reach the better chance
our kiddos have for a more tolerant future.

Now more then ever we need to promote awareness.
Well just read this...
Safer Down Syndrome Test Hits Market Monday

A quote from the article...
"a genetic condition marked by mental retardation
and early death that affects one in 691 babies."

The number of people out there that are misinformed and
ignorant about Down syndrome is
FAR GREATER then the number of those like us.

How will you make a difference?
What can you do to help prenatally diagnosed mothers?
How can we stop the elimination of an entire population of human beings?

We spread the word people.
You spread the word.

The blog hop is this Friday.
Please sign up and let's try to reach as many non-down syndrome related blogs
and viewers as we possibly can!
Just scroll down to enter the hop....

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