Day 13: How many shots does it take...?
How many shots does it take to get one decent group picture from our Buddy Walk?
Well...let's get an expert on board and see...
Hmmm, One...
Uh Two...
Ahhh Three...
Uh Four...
Um Five..
Aaaa Six...
Ding! Ding! Ding!
We have a winner. Six!
Six shots is how long it took to get just one decent group shot.
Now, for those playing along... candy to the person who can find Juicey in the last picture. (Juicey is the boy who walked away in shots 2&3.)
Ah. Good times.
Don't forget about the blog hop on the 21st! I should have the linky ready tomorrow or Saturday for you to start hooking up to! Whoo hoo.
I will be thinking about those of you heading out to your own Buddy Walk this weekend.
Happy Thursday!
LOL! We had fewer people and needed more takes!