Monday, March 14, 2011

A Tiny Punch

I'm not sure how to start this post.
The story of how my mommy armor recently suffered damage. Damage that still needs some serious repair.

Maybe a little background to begin.
Eslea has not been feeling well for about a week. She has red goopy eyes and is struggling to breathe as her tiny nose stays congested. After almost a week of listening to the poor child snort and gasp, I finally decided to take her to see the doctor. Since I decided at the last minute, I had to unfortunately wait for the walk-in doctor at the pediatric clinic. I have always been grateful that Eslea's doctor is so easily accessible and even more so when I can use the clinic his practice has set up for just such occasions.
Usually, I see the same pediatrician but I knew that there was a chance I would see someone new being that I was going through the walk-in. After waiting an hour, we finally managed to get a coveted examining room and again, waited. When the doctor finally arrived it confirmed that he was someone my Eslea has yet to met.

This man was somewhat older, maybe in his mid to late sixties. I am not sure how long he has been practicing in the United States. I write this because it impacts what comes next and how I reacted.

He underwent the regular checkup routine such as listening to her heart and checking her ears.
Somewhere amongst this evaluation, he looks at me and says....
"She is so alert. She doesn't look very retarded."

I swear my heart skipped a beat. I could feel my blood start to boil.
Somehow though I managed to tell him that "Yes, she is very alert. She is a pretty smart baby."
I had hoped that comment from me would deter any further evaluations on his part.
I was wrong.
He tried again "Well, you know there are different levels of retardation. She doesn't seem to have it very much."
Again, my southern graces and upbringing are trying with all their might to hold back my natural Italian/Irish genes from telling that doctor exactly what I thought about him.
Instead, I just smiled and changed the subject back to her health.

After he and the nurse left the room, I started to cry.
I love Eslea. To me, she is the most beautiful baby I could have ever imagined. She is perfect.

Yet after reading her chart, that doctor made an assumption about my child before he even laid eyes on her.
I know I could have used that opportunity to question his beliefs or challenge him.
But really, what would it have mattered?

I know the definition of the word retarded.
I know the negative uses of the word only have as much power as we allow.
I understand he may actually have been trying to compliment my daughter.
I understand that maybe he has not been practicing in the states for long and may not understand how that word effects people.
I also understand that there was once a time when the word was very common and I myself even used it regularly in the mental health field.

None of that matters. Because when someone uses that word to describe your child who is sitting so snugly cute while smiling and cooing in your arms... it HURTS.

A tiny little punch that made a hole right into my protective mommy armor.
I need stronger armor.



  1. wow, you were way more gracious than I would have been. I think I would be in jail right now for assaulting the doctor...It's never easy to hear people make those assumptions about our amazing, smart children.

  2. Thanks for sharing this story. I wish it was the first of it's kind that I have ever heard. Sadly, it is not. People (even professionals and well meaning folks) often overlook and underestimate the power of words and wow can they hurt. With that said, I just wanted to tell you that I can so clearly see God's beautiful light is shining through Elsea's loving eyes......Behold God's love and hold tight to the community of mama's with kiddos both "typical,' and "special," who are reaching out their arms to embrace you and your family right now. We get it......

  3. Thank you for sharing such an emotional post with us! I'm not so sure my Southern Grace would have held up. I'm Camilla, Mom to 9 yr old Lillian, who has 18p- (missing a piece of short arm on #18). Would be honored if you would be interested in writing a guest post on my blog which is also a 501(c)3 at Bless you and your BEAUTIFUL family!!

  4. I know how hard it is to say anything to someone like that, to teach a little lesson, when you're in shock that someone like that has just said what they've said to you. Might I recommend writing a letter to him and copying your usual pediatrician, or other physician (cardiologist, perhaps?) that you trust? It's never too late for him to learn a little bit of tact and some new facts. I'm so, so, so sorry you were faced with this ignorance. I know he didn't say anything overtly *bad,* but sheesh, he's a pediatrician, and he's talking to a beautiful baby and her mamma. ((hugs))

  5. I always think I am prepared for comments like that, but when they happen I find myself speechless...Because it knocks the wind right out of you...Cause it hurts deep. I am trying to toughen up a bit and not let things like that hurt me so badly...But its hard.

  6. I am so touched by your post and so amazed at the same time! You are such a kind person, even though I never met you, yet this is the vibe I got threw your post. And your daughter is honestly so gorgeous! She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! She is so lucy to have you as a mother and you are so lucky to have her as a daughter. I wish you best of luck!

  7. I am so touched by your post and so amazed at the same time! You are such a kind person, even though I never met you, yet this is the vibe I got threw your post. And your daughter is honestly so gorgeous! She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! She is so lucy to have you as a mother and you are so lucky to have her as a daughter. I wish you best of luck!

  8. you have a beautiful little one you should be very proud and she is a lucky girl to have you xxx
